Due to limited last time I throw everything in one post. I go driving, and now everything is hard to reconcile. For this broke mycuttlebug;-( and I have to buy a new ......
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wtorek, 30 sierpnia 2011
Tylko dla cierpliwych/only for patient
Ze względu na ograniczony ostatnio czas wrzucam wszystko w jednym poście. Chodzę na prawo jazdy i ciężko mi teraz wszystko pogodzić. Do tego zepsuł mi się cuttlebug ;-( i muszę kupić nowy......
Due to limited last time I throw everything in one post. I go driving, and now everything is hard to reconcile. For this broke mycuttlebug;-( and I have to buy a new ......
Due to limited last time I throw everything in one post. I go driving, and now everything is hard to reconcile. For this broke mycuttlebug;-( and I have to buy a new ......
poniedziałek, 22 sierpnia 2011
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